We finalllly purchased our dream vacuum, the Dyson DC 25 Animal Ball. Ever since Evan + I saw a Dyson commercial for the first time, we've desperately wanted one. After about a month of deliberation, we decided that the pros of having such an incredible vacuum outweighed the con of a less-than-affordable price. Luckily, we had some gift cards left over from our wedding + a 10% off coupon, so we cruised down to Best Buy and picked out our new toy.
Check out our new baby!
So, my guess is that our house is about 900 square feet, give or take. After about 20 minutes of taking turns vacuuming (the ball technology is really cool,) we noticed that the dirt canister was already a little over half full. Pretty gross to think that much dirt and hair was trapped in our carpets, right? Yikes. Thank goodness we have a Dyson to keep things clean and tiddy now!
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